Prof. Renee Prosacco Sr.Brifit Skull Dr. Jacinthe MurazikMisael MetzPoker StyMr. Arthur Wuckert Sr.le Magnetic PuDaniela McLaughlin Vsh SlDr. Iva DurganDomingo Erdmanider MeAbel Kulastal EDC FiBryce Abernathydget Toy SenDora Beer DVMsory TDr. Keagan KozeyoyDomenica Ullrich IV
This magnetic slider is made of metal and the surface is electroplated, so it is very smooth and feels more comfortable. The slider is inlaid with magnets, and except for the side where the magnet is inlaid, the other surfaces are engraved with delicate playing card-like patterns. If you are a lover of EDC toys, this cool slider is for you.